Program Outcomes

Program leaders graduating from the SoTL Leadership Program will serve the following institutional needs:

  • Undergraduate and/or graduate students. Through their studies and practice, educational leaders learn ways of mobilizing key stakeholders and communities of practice (administrators, faculty members, experts in the field, alumni, students) in order to develop, implement and evaluate educational programs which empower students to develop greater capabilities and competencies for their academic, personal, civic and professional lives (eg. critical thinking, communication, ethics, problem solving and teamwork skills).
  • Faculties, School and Departmental Units face increasing challenges for quality and responsive undergraduate and graduate-level programming, which in turn, requires educational leaders to be knowledgeable and skilled in the complexities of curriculum and pedagogical design. By supporting educational leaders, the learning experiences within the Certificate program not only address these issues but also prepare faculty graduates to provide leadership in broader issues of curriculum and pedagogical practices.
  • The University itself stands to greatly benefit from the educational leader graduates of this Certificate program as a direct strategy to address the teaching and learning goals outlined in its Academic Plan. Furthermore, graduates help to ensure that the university becomes better known as an institution that values and promotes scholarship of teaching and learning excellence. These benefits will soon become known and appreciated by the University’s undergraduates and potential graduate student population, by the broader community where graduates live and work, and by leading faculty at institutions from around the world who may be attracted to the institution.