SoTL Leadership/SoEL Contexts
Global/national/regional/institutional/technological/discipline-specific initiatives to enhance research-informed, evidence-based, effective and strategically-aligned educational leadership practices in diverse higher education settings; implementation challenges and strategic institutional supports. -
SoTL Leadership/SoEL Research Methodology
Ontological, epistemological, methodological and ethical considerations in complex educational leadership settings; developing and refining practice-based SoTL Leadership/SoEL inquiry; research design and methodology; data collection and analysis methods; dissemination in peer reviewed contexts.
Thematic Program & Scholarship Specializations
Pedagogical Leadership: SoTL Leadership/SoEL Implications
Theories of student learning in higher education; teaching perspectives in higher education; technology-enhanced learning-centred teaching practices; authentic assessment and evaluation of teaching and student learning in higher education; practice-based SoTL Leadership/SoEL research methodology.
Curriculum Leadership: SoTL Leadership/SoEL Implications
The scholarship of undergraduate/graduate degree program reform; curriculum contexts and communities of practice; technology-enhanced learning-centred curriculum practices; curriculum development/ renewal/implementation/ evaluation; practice-based SoTL Leadership/SoEL research methodology.
* Technology-enabled practices are a thread throughout each of the above four program themes.