Blended/Online International Cohorts

Monthly e-Meetings and Weekly e-Learning Activities

See an example of an 8-Month Schedule for UBC Faculty Cohorts.

The following flexible schedule is designed to meet diverse needs and circumstances of educational leaders situated in multinational university contexts.

Specific schedule and details for submission and formative/summative instructor peer review of SoTL Leadership e-Portfolios (Sections 1-5) can be viewed on the Program Learning Management System (LMS).

June Formative instructor consultation (Prior Learning Assessment) and video conference interview with each participant e-Portfolio Sections 1-5; LMS resource orientation; documentation preparation and pre-reading material.

  • UBC Connect e-Portfolio assignments
September 2-3, 2015 Individualized follow-up video conference interview with each participant, pre- Reading and access to on-line program resources (Theme 1)

  • UBC Connect e-Portfolio assignments
September Singapore/UAE TBC 3-day On-site Institute meetings and cohort presentations (Themes 1-2)

  • Formative instructor peer review – e-Portfolio first draft, sections 1-5
  • UBC Connect e-Portfolio assignments
October 8/9 Video conference (2 hours) international Professors cohort (Theme 3)

  • UBC Connect e-Portfolio assignments
November 3/4 Video conference (2 hours) international Professors cohort (Theme 3)

  • UBC Connect e-Portfolio assignments
November/December Singapore/UAE TBC 3-day On-site Institute meetings and cohort presentations (Theme 4)

  • Formative instructor peer review – e-Portfolio second draft, sections 1-5
  • UBC Connect e-Portfolio assignments
January 5/6, 2016 Video conference (2 hours) international Professors cohort (Themes 1-4)

  • UBC Connect e-Portfolio assignments
January 12/13 Video conference (2 hours) international Professors cohort (e-Portfolio Review)

  • Summative instructor peer review – e-Portfolio, sections 1-5
  • UBC Connect e-Portfolio assignments
January 27 Submit SoTL Leadership e-Portfolio for external peer-review
April/May SoTL Leadership Graduation: UBC President presides over ceremony (International Professors cohort graduates recognized in absentia and Certificates sent via courier to international universities for internal recognition and/or ceremony as required)