SoTL Leadership e-Portfolio


Research-informed and Evidence-based Practice

Situated within a unique academic leaders Community of Practice (COP), Prior Learning Assessment (PLA), Independent Learning Plans (ILP), cohort meetings and e-learning activities support the development of an academic leader’s unique SoTL Leadership e-Portfolio. Cohort meetings also provide a forum for debate and peer-review of key issues pertaining to SoTL Leadership development. SoTL Leadership ePortfolios focus on research-informed and evidence-based approaches to curriculum renewal and/or pedagogical leadership practices. Successful completion of the five program-level learning objectives is demonstrated using pass/fail completion criteria in the context of the five SoTL Leadership e-Portfolio assignments (below).

  1. Scholarly Educational Leadership Dossier

    This includes a statement of the educational context, research-informed philosophy of educational leadership practice (e.g., curriculum and pedagogical leadership), impact statement (including indicators of successful practice, awards, SoTL Leadership publications, grants etc), reflection and implications for further SoTL Leadership inquiry and development. Materials are assembled in preparation for scholarly peer review.

    Learning Objectives 1-3

  2. Thematic Review of SoTL Leadership/SoEL in Higher Education

    The reflective journal is an on-going assignment throughout the certificate program and responds to the integration of theme-driven SoTL Leadership/SoEL literature and on-line resource materials (e.g., international, regional and institutional SoTL Leadership/SoEL contexts; SoTL Leadership/SoEL research design and methodology; pedagogical leadership and SoTL Leadership/SoEL implications; curriculum leadership and SoTL Leadership/SoEL implications) combined with practice-based leadership experiences. Materials are assembled in preparation for scholarly peer review.

    Learning Objectives 1, 3

  3. Formative Review of Educational Leadership Practices: Internal and External Reports

    On-site analysis and internal/external review of educational leadership practice (e.g., curriculum and pedagogical leadership), is an important feature of the certificate program. This component enables academic leaders to engage with a recognized leader(s) in the field, as well as engage key stakeholders to receive systematic and constructive feedback within their educational leadership context. The focus of formative review is developmental, preliminary and pilot in nature. Formative reviews of educational leadership (internal and external) can also include peer review of leadership practices. Materials are assembled from both situations in preparation for peer-reviewed scholarly reports. This includes a statement of the educational leadership context, relevant literature-based criteria/conceptual framework, data collection (e.g., relevant institutional/curriculum documentation, peer interviews, outcome samples) and analysis, reflection and implications for further practice-based inquiry and development.

    Learning Objectives 1-5

  4. SoTL Leadership/SoEL Research Proposal: Capstone Paper

    Academic leaders develop an independent/collaborative SoTL Leadership research project/proposal to examine their educational leadership practice (e.g., institutional , Faculty, and/or program-level initiative). This includes a statement of the research area and problem, introductory review of the literature related to the problem, research question(s), methodology and methods for investigating the practice-based inquiry. Materials are assembled in preparation for scholarly dissemination.

    Learning Objectives 1-5

  5. SoTL Leadership/SoEL Research Proposal: Capstone Presentation

    The SoTL Leadership presentation focuses on a simulated/actual conference presentation for peer academic leaders pertaining to a SoTL Leadership proposal/project in diverse practice-based inquiry settings. Materials are assembled in preparation for scholarly dissemination.

    Learning Objectives 1-5