Chair, Academic Program Director
Professor Harry Hubball (Education)
- Professor Gary Poole (Medicine)
- Professor Tom Sork (Senior Associate Dean, International and Administration, Education)
- Professor Tony Clarke (Co-Director CSTE, Education)
- Dr. Lesley Bainbridge (CoHD, Medicine)
- Dr. Simon Ellis (Forestry)
- Dr. Inge Andreen (Education, Emeritus)
- Dr. Russell Day (External faculty rep/SFU, Psychology)
- Dr. Marion Pearson (Pharmaceutical Sciences)
- Dr. Bradley Johnson (Director: Center for Educational Innovation, Zayed University, UAE)
- Dr. Peter Reddy (National Teaching Fellow UK, Former Associate Dean Teaching & Learning, Aston University, UK)
* Thanks to Professor Helen Burt, (Associate Vice-President Research & International) for significant contributions as Co-Chair 1999-2010.