International Participants

Academic leaders with roles and responsibilities for program/curriculum leadership, pedagogical leadership, and/or institution-level educational leadership initiatives (e.g., Senior Administrators, Associate Deans, Program Directors, Curriculum Leaders, Teaching Evaluation Leaders, Teaching Award Winners, Tenured Instructors and Professors) in diverse higher education settings around the world.

This unique and flexible International Faculty SoTL Leadership Program: UBC Certificate on Curriculum and Pedagogy in Higher Education (e.g., ranging from 6-week intensive to 4-8 month blended/fully online designs) is developed around a cohort model (customised institutional or multinational) and is adapted to address the strategic educational needs and circumstances of specific research-intensive university contexts.

Since 1999, more than 400 academic leaders in multidisciplinary, multi-institutional and multi-national university settings (Australia, Bahrain, Canada, China, England, Iceland, Japan, New Zealand, Qatar, Scotland, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Thailand, UAE, USA, and The West Indies) have graduated from this program. Further, program graduates have made significant leadership and research contributions to the scholarship of teaching, learning and curriculum leadership practices in a wide range of peer-reviewed contexts around the world.

The hallmark success of the International Faculty SoTL Leadership Program is a result of high levels of collaboration, engaged communities of practice, and sustained impact and program-level scholarship over a 17-year period.

International Faculty Program on the SoTL Leadership

Faculty Certificate Program Graduation Gallery 1999 – present